As the Mikodam team we would like to learn more about how the quarantine is treating you. We find this phase to be both challenging yet also illuminating; and we come bearing a collective knowledge about thephase we are experiencing along with suggestions to make it easier and enjoyable.

We believe that these past two months have been a journey of self-realization accompanied by new mindful experiences. All of us had gotten used to the fast pace of the world, all our activities were rushed into our schedules with the common problem of not having enough time.Then one day a virus came along and turned the whole world upside down! Home was not a place many of us spent the majority of our time but suddenly it became the only place we can be. Whether we were alone in the house or with the family there were challenges for everyone as we had forgotten how to bewith ourselves and/or the family all the time. Routines were broken, work stopped or transformed into home offices leading to a full use of homes like never before.

Both from ourown experiences, friends’ and customers’ we saw several outcomes: The first is a need for more defined spaces along with a need for privacy. It is hard to concentrate on work when you are working on the couch where you also do the rest of your activities; or  when you do not have a specific place that you enter and not be disturbed. Also, defining spaces for activities (exercise, watching movies, working, eating…) seem to have a positive impact on your mentality increasing productivity.

The second is a need for activities to fill the excess time many are struggling with. Most of us have turned to social media and streaming platforms, eventually growing wearisome of both. The solution is to have interiors that are equipped for more, and this is a must because the previous normal may not entirely exist from now on; which is not necessarily a bad or fearsome thing as long as you are prepared.

The third is an urge to remodel the house or to at least move some furniture around because all of us have gotten used to a constant change of environment and even at home we continue to seek the same sense of mobility.

We now realize that we seek an increase in comfort and quality in living, in our houses. We were used to satisfying these needs outside, at restaurants, gyms, galleries… in spaces that are designed for us. Now you must find ways to nourish this sideat home, the space that truly belongs to you.

We suggest that you start your journey to improve the quality at home with Mikodam panels. Here is why:  The panels instantly change and improve the spaces they are welcomed to both aesthetically and acoustically. They will help you create the above mentioned defined spaces while their acoustic properties will improve your concentration hence productivity. Also they are the perfect solution for the urge to remodel; they are easily mounted onto a rail system and it is possible to change them when you feel like it! Your spaces will be transformed into professionally designed interiors with ease.

Improving the energy of your interiors will reflect directly onyou. Staying positive and nourishing yourself with what makes you feel good is the most important thing, now and always. We had been ignoring this and maybe the most important outcome of the pandemic is that it reminded us to take care of ourselves.

We would love to hear your opinions on this subject; let us know your thoughts via email or schedule a video call with one of our representatives to share more about our at home experiences.

Stay safe, stay happy!


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As the Mikodam team we would like to learn more about how the quarantine is treating you. We find this phase to be both challenging yet also ...